We are thrilled to share that we now offer Level 2 Support Coordination and Level 3 Specialist Support Coordination!
We have a specialist team with a strong background in the health, disability and advocacy fields. This means we know all the ins and outs of the NDIS! We understand complex requirements and legislation. We are dedicated to delivering a person-centred approach with our clients. Our goal is to simplify their NDIS journey and offer them a wide range of support options with our large network of service providers.
What is Support Coordination?
When a participant receives their NDIS Plan, they may have funds allocated for a Support Coordinator.
Intensive Care at Home is a registered Support Coordination provider. This means we can work with funded participants to help them understand their plan and maximise their funding by implementing relevant services to achieve their goals.
What is Specialist Support Coordination?
Participants who are in exceptionally complex situations can be funded for Specialist Support Coordination. Intensive Care at Home have dedicated Specialist Support Coordinators who have relevant skills and experience working with individuals who require this level of support.
Our Specialist Support Coordinators can work with participants and their care teams to address barriers, implement services and achieve participant goals.
How can a specialist support coordinator help with Intensive care at home?
Since the beginning of INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME in 2012 we have found over and over again that most level 2 and level 3 NDIS support coordinators lack the insights required to successfully advocate for 24/7 intensive nursing care at home for NDIS participants (adults and children) requiring
- invasive mechanical ventilation with tracheostomy
- tracheostomy without ventilation
- non- invasive mechanical ventilation on BIPAP/CPAP
- home TPN/PN and/or intravenous fluids with central line/PICC line or Hickman’s line management
- complex seizure management at home
- palliative care at home
This includes but is not limited to conditions such as cerebral Palsy, RETT syndrome, Motor neuron disease, Guillan Barre syndrome, spinal muscular atrophy, duchesses syndrome, acquired brain injuries, traumatic brain injuries, high spinal injuries (level C1- C4) requiring invasive and non-invasive ventilation and/or cough- assist therapy.
In our experience, some support coordinators lack the insight and drive to advocate for the right level of support that is needed for our highly vulnerable NDIS participants.
This has often led to extended and unnecessary hospital stays for NDIS participants.
In some cases it has led to NDIS participants dying at home due to insufficient funding from the agency.
We could not see this happening any longer so we have built our own team.
Our strength
With our team of highly experienced NDIS support coordinators and hundreds of years of ICU/PICU nursing experience employed on our team we are bridging the gap between disability and health as we have the best of both worlds on our team combined.
This brings intensive care at home in a unique position where we can successfully advocate for your 24/7 NDIS funded nursing care for your or your loved ones condition and disability.
What if I don’t have a NDIS Plan yet?
No problem at all! We can provide support and advice to individuals needing assistance with accessing the NDIS. Please get in touch and can set up a consultation to help you get started.
Please contact Amanda Riches our level 3 NDIS specialist support coordinator on
+61493818318 or [email protected]