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Hi it’s Patrik Hutzel from INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME where we provide tailor made solutions for long-term ventilated Adults & Children with Tracheostomies by improving their Quality of life and where we also provide tailor made solutions to hospitals and Intensive Care Units to save money and resources, whilst providing Quality Care!
In the last blog I shared
You can check out last week’s episode by clicking on the link here.
In this week’s blog I want to share more about how we provide services at home as a genuine alternative to a long-term stay in Intensive Care!
How to live independently at home with mechanical ventilation and other medically complex conditions!
We know what our clients need and what they want!
They need to live as independently as they can outside of the confinements of ICU/PICU or NICU irrespective of their real or perceived limitations!
We also know what we are capable in delivering on our clients needs, wants and some of their deepest desires.
They want to be at home and they don’t want to be tied to a bed in Intensive Care where they don’t have any quality of life and/or quality of end of life.
It sounds simple and it sounds like we are fulfilling a basic human need to be in an environment where they feel safe and comfortable!
It doesn’t matter whether our clients are on a ventilator long-term, if they have a tracheostomy long-term or if they have other medically complex conditions such as regular seizures and otherwise medically complex conditions that require ICU nurses in the home up to 24/7, 365 days and nights a year.
Unfortunately, there seems no shortage of long-term ventilated Patients in ICU/PICU and/or NICU that are unnecessarily confined to the walls of an Intensive Care Unit and an Intensive Care bed that costs tax payers $5,000 per bed day.
There is also no shortage of other critically ill Patients needing those blocked ICU/PICU/NICU beds that could be easily freed up by having INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME nurses, who have the skills, knowledge and expertise to make a frictionless transition home from ICU possible for those Patients!
We therefore can create a win-win situation for all stakeholders by
- Improving the quality of life and/or quality of end of life for mechanically ventilated, tracheostomised and otherwise medically complex adults, children and babies in a safe, holistic and Patient and family friendly environment
- Reduce the cost of an ICU/PICU/NICU bed by more than 50%
- Free up a scarce, expensive and “in-demand” ICU bed
Moreover, here at INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME we are and we have created standards for INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME services that are not available elsewhere in Australia by
- Being the first third party accredited INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME service in Australia. We have built and developed significant intellectual property whilst pioneering INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME services in Australia and we have in the process become the market leader in this space
- By providing services according to best international practice according to the Home Mechanical Ventilation guidelines which make a transition from ICU/PICU/NICU to home frictionless and also possible much earlier compared to current outdated ICU/PICU/NICU paradigms and perceptions
- By constantly improving and developing our services by working with doctors, nurses, our clients and their families we have become highly responsible to their individual needs by keeping them out of ICU/PICU/NICU therefore saving the Australian tax payer huge amounts of money, whilst also freeing up in-demand ICU/PICU/NICU beds
- By doing so we also enable our clients and their families spending time together at home despite the real or perceived limitations of our clients
- We enable our clients and their families to be reintegrated to society at a much faster pace
- We enable our clients and their families to contribute to society, I.e. parents are able to go back to work rather than quitting jobs because they spend day and night in ICU/PICU/NICU
To illustrate this further, we have been providing services to numerous clients over the last few years and our client base is constantly growing.
At this point I also want to send my thoughts to Peter Bircham and his wife Elaine who after over 4 years still have their little daughter Ana-Carolina living in PICU at Starship Hospital in Auckland, New Zealand.
The way this family has been dealt with is disgraceful and after over 4 years the health authorities in New Zealand still can’t get their act together to fund Intensive Home Care for little Ana-Carolina.
Ana-Carolina and her family would be so much better off at home, whilst in the meantime Ana- Carolina’s care has cost at least $8,000,000 in ICU whereas at home with a service like INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME the cost could have been at least reduced by 50%.
I have shared Ana- Carolina’s story last year and you can read more about it here
Kind Regards
Patrik Hutzel
If you want to find out how we can help you to get your loved one out of Intensive Care including palliative care or Long-term acute care (also nursing home) or if you find that you have insufficient support for your loved one at home on a ventilator, if you want to know how to get funding for our service or if you have any questions please send me an email to [email protected] or call on one of the numbers below.
Australia/New Zealand +61 41 094 2230
USA/Canada +1 415-915-0090
UK/Ireland +44 118 324 3018
Also, check out our careers section here
We are currently hiring ICU/PICU nurses for clients in Melbourne, Sunbury and in South Gippsland/Victoria.
We are an NDIS, TAC (Victoria) and DVA (Department of Veteran affairs) approved community service provider in Australia.
We have also been part of the Royal Melbourne health accelerator program for innovative health care companies last year!
Thank you for tuning into this week’s blog.
This is Patrik Hutzel from INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME and I see you again next week in another update!